Thursday 22 August 2019

Beast Super Test Review (2019): What To Expect? Side-effects?

Testosterone is a very important hormone in the male body. It’s responsible for helping your body maintain a healthy sex life and also building muscle.

As you grow older, the level of testosterone in your body decreases which means you need something that will increase the levels of this hormone.

Athletes, bodybuilders, gym-goers, and fitness enthusiasts have been using testosterone boosters for many years now to get improved performance in a work out without using harmful products.

Most men know that testosterone boosters help you to gain muscle and reduce fat, but some people think that they’re multivitamins you can take at any time.

There are many testosterone boosting supplements available in the market today that you can use.

However, the difficult task is knowing which one is best for you.

What is Beast Super Test?

Super Test is a testosterone support supplement that is designed to help increase your body’s production of testosterone, promote a healthy sex drive, new muscle growth increased strength, boost your mental growth, and support a healthy liver and kidneys.

Testosterone occurs naturally in your body, but as your years your body continues to lose its ability to produce it naturally.

It’s a supplement made by Beast Sports Nutrition, a company started in 1995 and is well known for producing a wide range of products, from pre workout supplements to testosterone boosters that are used by many people today. 

For a testosterone booster to be considered as effective it needs to;

  • Increase your body’s ability to naturally produce testosterone with the help of different ingredients.
  • Prevent the additional testosterone in your body from being converted into other hormones like estrogen.
  • Allow your body the rest it needs at night to help it repair itself after a workout. 

Beasts Super Test Review: Who should take this product?

Super Test is mostly meant to be taken by men to help increase your testosterone levels.

If your energy levels are down or you don’t have much of a sex drive, it could be because your testosterone levels are low.

You can use this supplement to remedy these problems and also make it easier for you when strength training and bodybuilding to give you better results.

Super Test ingredients and how they work

Beast Super Test is formulated with four different forms of Arginine to effectively increase nitric oxide levels in your body to promote muscle growth and endurance.

This supplement contains so many ingredients, some are very potent while others don’t seem to contribute to the increase of testosterone in your body.

The downside to taking a supplement with so many blends of ingredients is you’re never sure how much of each ingredient you’re taking or if you’re allergic to some of the ingredients. 

Here are some of the main ingredients in this supplement.

1) Ashwagandha 

This is an herb that is good at reducing your stress levels which helps your body to produce less cortisol because it can affect your testosterone levels (1).

It also increases your strength and physique.

The problem is, to see results you need to take a high amount of this herb, meaning this supplement needs to contain more than half of this herb.

Super Test contains 300mg of Ashwagandha extract which is a minimal amount compared to the optimal 500-2000mg that is needed for the herb to be effective.

2) Fenugreek

Fenugreek is one of the most effective ingredients in this supplement. According to studies, it helps increase your testosterone levels, libido, and improve your appetite (2).

Fenugreek contains a compound that helps to regulate the metabolism of glucose in your body which in turn helps to keep your testosterone levels stable. 

So when your blood sugar levels go up, your testosterone levels go down, which is why you need to regulate your blood sugar.

It’s also good at reducing your appetite which is a good thing if you’re trying to reduce some pounds or belly fat.

The only problem is you don’t know how much of this herb you’re consuming as it’s not indicated in the supplement.

It could be that you’re consuming very small amounts that won’t be effective.

3) Puncture sheath

Another name for this ingredient is Tribulus Terrestris.

It’s a plant used in traditional Indian medicine.

Although it hasn’t been proven how effective it is in increasing your testosterone levels, it’s believed to increase your strength, libido, and support testosterone production in your body (3).

4) Rhodiola extract

Also called Rhodiola Rosea, it’s an ingredient that improves your mental well-being which includes memory, concentration, and your reaction time, and gives you more strength for your workouts.

You’re able to concentrate longer, you get more clarity of mind, your energy levels increase which is good to get better performance in the gym.

Just like Ashwagandha, you need to consume high amounts of this ingredient to see any effects (4).

And it’s unlikely the Super Test contains such high amounts, so you can assume it’s an inactive ingredient.

5) L-arginine

L-arginine is an amino acid known for boosting nitric oxide levels in your blood which helps to increase the intensity of your pumps during your workouts.

The thing is, it’s not readily absorbed into your body which reduces its effectiveness and as a testosterone booster its main purpose isn’t muscle pumping

6) Japanese knotweed

This is an herb that is effective in reducing inflammation in your body thanks to resveratrol, it’s an active ingredient mostly found in wine.

It’s also believed to help regulate your estrogen levels although there is not much evidence to these claims.

Although it doesn’t promote testosterone production, it can help increase blood flow which is good for faster transportation of nutrients to your system and easier absorption of the supplement by your body (5). 

7) The stinging nettle root extract

Nettle root is an effective ingredient known to boost your testosterone levels (6).

It’s also good at reducing inflammation which is very beneficial in muscle recovery after an intense workout session. 

8) Diindolylmethane (DIM)

DIM is mostly found in many green veggies like broccoli and it prevents the conversion of small amounts of testosterone into estrogen.

But, when taken in large amounts, it increases the conversion of testosterone into estrogen.

Having this ingredient reduces the value of this supplement. 

9) Zinc

This is a mineral that is very good at boosting your testosterone levels.

According to studies, taking a zinc supplement helps to significantly increase your testosterone while taking small amounts of zinc has the opposite effect (7).

10) Boron

This is a mineral that is good at balancing your testosterone and estrogen levels (8).

It helps your body produce more of testosterone and less of estrogen which helps to create a much more masculine hormonal balance in your body.

However, this ingredient is only found in small quantities that might not be very effective. 

11) Milk thistle extract and cranberry extract

These two ingredients are said to help in the detoxification of your liver and kidneys.

Athletes and weight trainers are very particular about the diet and supplements they take which can overload and stress your liver and kidneys.

These ingredients help to remove all the harmful toxins and detoxify your system. 

One of the downsides to having so many ingredients in a supplement that are mixed in blends is that you don’t know the exact dosage of each ingredient and there is no way you can find out.

This makes it hard to know if the side effects are because of a certain ingredient or not.

That is why it’s important that all supplements indicate all the ingredients and dosage on the labels to help customers know what they’re consuming. 

Beast Super Test Review: Dosage

According to the company’s website, there are no specific instructions on how you’re supposed to take this supplement.

However, they recommend that you take 4 capsules twice a day which is a bit low.

To increase your testosterone levels, you need to at least take 3-4 capsules per day spread out throughout the day so that your testosterone levels don’t drop before your next dose. 

If you’re taking any medication or have any medical condition, it’s advisable to first consult your doctor.

According to the instructions indicated on the label, you’re to stop using this product 2 weeks before you go for any surgery and you need to drink at least 8 cups of water every day while taking this supplement. 

Beast Super Test Side Effects

If taken in the right amount, this supplement doesn’t have any harmful side effects.

However, the main concern is that the DIM amounts in this product are unknown.

And taking too much of DIM will cause your body to convert testosterone into estrogen which isn’t something you want to happen. And for that reason it didn’t reach our top list for T-boosters.

Beast Super Test Review: Customer Comments

Like any other product, customer reviews are mixed.

On Amazon, this product gets a 4-star rating, which is on the lower side, but this doesn’t mean that these reviews are very reliable.

For some customers, this product worked very well for them, while for others it was a total waste of their money because it didn’t make any difference in their lives. 

For most of the customers who gave it, a negative review complained of how expensive it is and yet its effects on their libido were minimal and it didn’t change their testosterone levels.

Some customers commented on having a slight increase in their energy but apart from that, they didn’t notice anything else despite taking it for a while.

One customer even bought 2 bottles and after taking them still his testosterone levels hadn’t increased.

He didn’t feel any changes whatsoever. He thought he was taking the wrong dosage. 

Pros and cons of Super test


  • It gives you some energy.
  • Some of its ingredients are effective.
  • Contains fenugreek known for increasing your testosterone.


  • Made using proprietary blends. 
  • It is quite expensive, but it depends on where you buy the product.
  • Most of the ingredients are ineffective in increasing your testosterone levels.
  • The dosage of 2 capsules per day isn’t effective in giving you results.

Where to get Beast Super Test and its Price

One bottle of Super Test is supposed to last you for 45 days before your next refill, which is about a month and a half.

You can also choose to go for the bottle with 180 capsules or the largest bottle with 216 capsules. Each comes with its range of prices depending on where you buy them from.

 You can purchase the supplement from the Beast Sports Nutrition website, Amazon, or other online sellers. 

Some of the prices you will find for this supplement include:

216 capsules bottle – $ 50.95

180 capsules bottle – $ 49.99

45 capsules bottle – $ 45.99

Most of the men think this is one of the most expensive testosterone boosters in the market today.

Will Beast Super Test work for you?

Super Test isn’t a bad testosterone booster.

It’s a supplement that has both positive and negative customer reviews in equal measure.

Some of the users are very happy with the results they’ve gotten from this supplement, while others say it’s an expensive supplement that oversells itself and doesn’t deliver results.

All these mixed reviews can leave you confused on what to believe.

The best thing is not to expect too much from this product. So at best you can expect to see a slight improvement in your testosterone levels or nothing at all.

Final thoughts

Overall, you can’t say that Beast Super Test is among the best testosterone boosters in the market today.

Although it contains very impressive ingredients that are known for their effectiveness, these ingredients are in small quantities and mixed in proprietary blends that reduce their effectiveness.

The few active ingredients take up a very small amount of the product to be effective.

All in all, it’s a good product but not among the best.

You can opt to go for other better testosterone boosters that contain better and more effective ingredients that will increase your testosterone levels. 

The post Beast Super Test Review (2019): What To Expect? Side-effects? appeared first on MeVolv.

Androstenedione Supplements vs Testosterone Boosters (What Matters?)

What is Androstenedione?

Androstenedione or Andro is a steroid hormone that is produced by adrenal glands of both the male testes and female ovaries.

It plays a major role in the production of testosterone and estrogen. Androstenedione can also be taken as an oral supplement to increase your T levels.

Athletes refer to it as Andro, which is commonly used as a natural alternative to anabolic steroids

It’s good at boosting your testosterone levels which help to increase your energy levels, improve your athletic performance, build muscle mass, enhance recovery and growth after a workout, and improve your sexual activity and performance. 

Bodybuilders also like using Androstenedione, but in 2005 it was reclassified from a dietary supplement to an anabolic steroid which is a controlled substance and which was later banned by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA).

If you prefer to watch it in a video


From the age of 7 years, a child’s adrenal glands begin to produce more DHEA which causes some changes in their body like their skin begins to produce more oil, bones begin to mature, and their body develops an odor.

This period is known as Adrenarche, it marks the early signs of puberty which also indicates the awakening of the adrenal gland.

During this time, DHEA increases which in turn increases the androstenedione levels that play a big role in the learning of cultural, social, and ecological skills like the development and understanding of sexual attraction and even aggression and competitiveness in boys.

Then during adulthood, the levels begin to decline.  

Is Androstenedoine legal?

According to the Olympic Games and the World Anti-Doping Agency, Androstenedione is banned from being used by any professional athlete.

The FDA also banned the sale of Androstenedione supplements as they deemed to pose a threat to the health of users.

In 2004, the President of the United States passed into law the Anabolic Steroid Control Act that added Andro in the list of banned steroid-based drugs that are non-prescription. 

Androstenedione has also been banned by the NBA, NFL, MLB, USOC, and NCAA and is currently classified under the Controlled Substance Act.

This means it’s illegal to sell or use it, which makes it a federal crime if you’re caught having this supplement.  

Young people, athletes, and fitness enthusiasts should understand that there is no short cut to achieving a great body and the only way you can faster and stronger is by eating a healthy nutritious diet and regular exercise.

Andro became very popular after US baseball slugger, Mark McGwire said that he has been using it to help build muscle mass.

Andro also claims to heighten your sexual arousal and performance, promote faster recovery after a workout, and keep your red blood cells healthy. 

Androstenedione supplement uses

Although Androstenedione isn’t a supplement that is in use currently, the people who used to take it before it was reclassified as a steroid helped them in increasing their testosterone levels, reducing fat, and boosting their energy levels.

Here are some of the Androstenedione uses.

Increase testosterone levels

While Androstenedione can increase your testosterone levels in your blood, it will only do so when you take more than 300 mg.

The problem is when your testosterone levels rise so does estradiol, a female hormone.

According to studies, taking Androstenedione supplements orally at a dosage of between 5-300 mg doesn’t have any effect on your strength, muscle size, or body fat.

Taking 300 mg of Androstenedione has a short-lasting effect which means your testosterone levels increase for about 8 hours.

When your T levels are at their highest is after 2 hours of taking a dose then they begin to decline.  

All this while, your estrogen levels increase significantly because Androstenedione is a steroid prohormone which means it can be converted into estrogen in your body. 

Weight loss

Taking Androstenedione doesn’t seem to have any effect on your body weight.

However, when your testosterone increases for a while, it may increase your muscle mass but not your fat mass.

This causes you to add some weight and with time your estrogen levels will increase which may lead to an increase in your fat mass. 

Increasing energy

There doesn’t seem to be any significant change in your energy levels after taking Androstenedione supplement.

Many athletes claim that taking Andro has increased their energy levels, however, there isn’t any proof of their claims.

But, according to many studies done, taking Andro doesn’t affect your energy levels or athletic performance in any way.  

Preventing Osteoporosis

How low or how high your androstenedione levels are in your blood is closely related to your estrogen levels.

So when androstenedione is converted into testosterone then to estrogen, if your estrogen levels are low it could cause osteoporosis.

And women with osteoporosis and have reached menopause have lower levels of androstenedione than those who don’t have the disease.

It’s believed that androstenedione is responsible for increasing the activity of building cells in your bones or osteoblasts.  

Andro supplements

Following the FDA ban and the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 2004, supplement companies have stopped manufacturing androstenedione products.

Now, the anabolics produced today are known as prohormones or Andros.

They contain compounds that are transformed into hormones in your body.

These prohormones go through a two-step process to convert it into the intended hormone in your body.

That doesn’t mean they become less effective, in fact, they even work better clearing the way for active hormones.  

Here are some of the Andros in the market.

1) 1-Andro

Also known as 1-Androsterone or 1-DHEA and one of the few prohormones that you can still buy legally.

1-Andro is the most common Andro replacements and one that occurs naturally which is known by its chemical name; 3b-hydroxy-5a-androst-1-en-17-one.

1-Andro is an androgenic sex hormone that can’t be converted into estrogen which means it’s an anabolic. 

It goes through the 2-step process of conversion in your body to convert it into 1-testosterone that is then used by your body to build lean muscle tissue.

1-testosterone is naturally occurring in your body and more effective than testosterone and since 1-Andro doesn’t convert to estrogen, you don’t have some side effects like man boobs. 

1-Andro has both positive and negative effects on your body. Some of the positive effects include:

  • Increased lean muscle mass
  • Muscle hardening effects
  • A rapid increase in strength
  • A decrease in body fat
  • No water retention
  • Increases pump in weight lifting

However, some users reported some of the following negative effects:

  • Reduction in good cholesterol
  • Muscle cramps
  • Headaches
  • Anxiety
  • Testosterone suppression

These side effects are mild and the best part is this prohormone isn’t toxic to your organs.

2) Epi-Andro

Epi-Andro is a powerful androgenic steroid hormone that converts to DHT, male sex in your body when absorbed.

Epi-Andro works quickly when it gets into your body to increase your strength and help in rapidly gaining muscle mass.

Because DHT is a powerful androgenic male hormone, you will experience a significant increase in your libido, muscle hardness, fat loss, and reduced water retention. 

DHT inhibits estrogen conversion in your body which helps your body loses water and fat while still adding muscle mass.

Also, Epi-Andro can bind to sex hormone-binding globulins (SHBG) which helps to increase the free testosterone in your body.

Epi-Andro is very useful if you’re looking to add muscle density and hardness.

Also if you want to cut on excess body fat and increase and increase your strength and muscle mass.

3) 4-Andro

4-Andro or 4-Androstenolone is similar to the naturally occurring prohormone DHEA which is also known as 4-androstene-3b-ol, 17-one.

Just like 1-Andro, 4-Andro goes through a 2-step by first converting to both androstenedione and androstenediol, then converts to testosterone made from both synthetic and natural prohormones.

4-Andro is a non-methylated prohormone which means it doesn’t block your liver from digesting the supplement before it enters your bloodstream.

This makes this supplement very liver-friendly and a safe supplement to use. With 4-Andro products, there is a slight conversion of testosterone to estrogen which may cause some bloating, but it will benefit your bone density and sexual function.

Positive effects

  • Increases your strength in lifts
  • Improves your mood
  • Aids in muscle recovery
  • Increases protein synthesis which helps with muscle growth
  • Increases your pumps
  • It’s non-methylated which isn’t toxic to your liver

Negative effects

  • Increased aggression 
  • Muscle cramps
  • High blood pressure
  • Man boobs, although rare

4) Tri Andro

Tri Andro is a combination of 1-Andro, 4-Andro, and Epi-Andro to create a very potent and affordable combination of Andros that is an all-in-one supplement.

This trio of anabolic compounds will enhance your strength, power, lean muscle, recovery, and testosterone production.

This makes Tri Andro one of the strongest legal Andro supplement in the market.

5) Testosterone Boosters

Most all-natural testosterone booster that contains Tongkat Ali, a root used by natives in South Asian countries as herbal medicine and is an active ingredient in most T-boosters. L-arginine, Tongkat Ali, & D-aspartic acid can boost your body’s production of testosterone. I have gathered interesting studies along with best T-boosers (click here to find out).

It’s also known for its ability to boost your sexual function and promote an overall general feeling. Although testosterone boosters doesn’t contain androstenedione or testosterone, it helps your body produce more on its own. 

Androstenedione safety and side effects

Androstenedione supplements are synthetic androgens that change the hormonal balance in your body.

These changes can have some common side effects in both men and women.

One of those side effects is a decrease in your good cholesterol or HDL levels, a condition that can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease. 

In men, androstenedione can cause the organs that produce testosterone to shut down.

As your T levels are boosted, strangely your body tries to balance your hormones by increasing the production of the female hormones which increases when you exercise.

Side effects in men

  • Reduced sperm count
  • Enlarged breasts
  • Increased aggression
  • Mood swings
  • Prolonged and painful erections
  • Shrunken testicles

The opposite effects happen to women who take Andro supplements. They develop male sex traits.

Side effects in women

  • Increased facial or body hair
  • Depression
  • Acne
  • Irregular menstrual periods
  • Deep voice
  • Coarse skin
  • Abdominal fat

Androstenedione supplements may also increase your risk of liver disease, heart disease, and cancers of the prostate, breast, or pancreas.

It can also cause damage to your kidney, salivary glands, and clitoral gland.

However, these supplements can also reduce your risk of non-cancerous tumors of the breast and testicles.

Drugs interactions

Androstenedione seems to increase estrogen levels in your body. Which means you shouldn’t take androstenedione supplements if you’re on estrogen pills.

Taking them together can lead to a drastic increase in your estrogen levels. 

If you’re taking antidepressants, diabetic drugs, antipsychotic medication, and antiviral drugs can increase your bad cholesterol levels if you combine them with androstenedione supplements.

Androstenedione supplements increase your bad cholesterol while decreasing your good cholesterol. 

Also combining androstenedione supplements with most drugs can increase the risk of causing serious damage to your liver and kidneys.

And because it affects the balance of your sexual hormones, it can affect the efficacy of many of the hormonal processes. 

Although not many studies have been done on specific interactions between androstenedione and medication, there is a potentially high risk of interactions and side effects.

Special precautions and warnings

Although not much is known about the use of androstenedione supplements for women during breastfeeding, it’s a good idea to be cautious and stay away from using them.

Also, pregnant women should not use these supplements as they can cause early labour or a miscarriage.

In children, they can stop bone growth which can lead to shorter adult height and bring about early puberty.  

Depression is a concern with androstenedione supplements especially in women although there is not sufficient evidence.

Women with severe depression have been shown to have high levels of androstenedione in their blood. 

Dosage of Androstenedione

Most androstenedione supplements are found in tablet form.

However, there is no specific dosage that one should take, but the appropriate dose depends on several factors like your age, health, and other conditions.

You should keep in mind that is not always necessarily safe hence the need for a specific dosage.

Each product comes with instructions written on the labels on how to use the product.

You must follow these instructions to avoid overdosing, and before you take any supplement it’s advisable to first consult your doctor.

User Reviews

Androstenedione supplements have received both positive and negative customer reviews. 

Some of the people who used androstenedione found it to be very effective in helping them push more weights and increasing their muscle mass. Others found it to be very helpful in reducing fat mass and hardening muscles. 

On the other hand, some users didn’t like the side effects that came with increased estrogen levels. Also, it had too many serious side effects that made it not worth using.

Health experts have also voiced their concerns about the serious long term risks that come with taking androstenedione.

And instead of increasing your testosterone levels, it increases your estrogen levels which isn’t good.

Diseases caused by high androstenedione

There are various diseases and hormonal disorders that can cause hormonal changes in both men and women.

As mentioned earlier, androgens in women are produced in the ovaries, fat cells, and adrenal glands.

In men, they’re produced in the testes.

These hormones play a big role in the function of many organs that include kidney, liver, reproductive tract, bones, muscles, metabolism, and even sexual. 

In women, androgens are important for estrogen synthesis and also help in preventing bone loss, sexual satisfaction, and desire. These are some of the causes of high androstenedione levels in women.

Hirsutism (Women)

Hirsutism is a hormonal condition in women that causes excessive growth of body hair, especially on your face, chest, abdomen, and back.

Usually, the amount of body hair is purely genetic, but this condition is caused by an increase in androgens or the male hormone.

This condition can also be seen in ovarian or adrenal tumors, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and congenital adrenal hyperplasia.

The cause can be determined using a blood test and medication will depend on what has caused the condition. Laser and electrolysis are topical treatments that can be used to reduce hair growth.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) (Women)

PCOS is a common hormonal disorder that affects adult women suffering from cysts in the ovaries, disorder in ovulation, and high levels of testosterone.

If you have PCOS, you may have unwanted growth of body hair, irregular or prolonged periods, and enlarged ovaries that don’t function properly.

This leaves you prone to infertility, obesity, miscarriage, type 2 diabetes, chronic inflammation, insulin resistance, and endometrial cancer. 

Poor response of your body’s tissues to insulin is thought to be the underlying cause of this disorder.

Hence, your insulin and blood sugar levels need to be checked and medication, exercise, and weight loss can be used to improve your body’s sensitivity to insulin. Your menstrual cycle can also be regulated with birth control pills.

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)

CAH is a disorder that affects your body’s production of hormones and adrenal glands.

CAH mostly occurs when there is an overproduction of androgen in your body.

This can cause infertility, severe acne, masculine characteristics, and early onset of pubic hair.

Normal androstenedione levels

In adult women

Normally, adult women should have androstenedione levels that range around 80-240 ng/ dL or 2.79-8.38 nmol/L.

You may also find healthy women with androstenedione levels of 0.89-4.56 nmol/L.

It’s normal for young women to have high levels of androstenedione, but test results outside the normal range can be a sign of PCOS. 

In adult men

When it comes to adult men, their androstenedione levels could range from 65-210 ng/dL or 2.27-7.33 nmol/L.

But, as men grow older these levels begin to decline.

High levels of androstenedione are mostly noted in young adults after adolescence.  

In adolescents and children

There is a drastic change in the levels of androstenedione in children from when they’re born till when they reach adulthood.

When a child is born between 0-5 months, a girl has average androstenedione of between 20-80 ng/dL and a boy has between 75-400 ng/dL.

When they reach 6 months-9 years their androstenedione levels both fall to less than 7-20 ng/dL.

Once they reach 10-11 years, the boy has less than 7-130 ng/dL while the girl has less than 7-44 ng/dL. 

In adolescents of 12-13 years, boys have an androstenedione average of less than 7-800 ng/dL while the girls have less than 7-75 ng/dL.

When they reach 15-16 years, the boy’s androstenedione levels increase to about 100-1200 ng/dL while the girls remain the same.  

Ways to increase your androstenedione levels naturally

1) Eat a healthy diet

What you eat affects your testosterone levels as well as other hormone levels. You must be careful with your long term calories intake and dieting strategies to avoid disrupting your T levels.

Eating enough proteins helps to maintain healthy T levels and assist in losing fat.

Carbs have been shown to help optimize your T levels during intense workouts.

Eating healthy fats have also been found to be very beneficial to your testosterone levels and your health.

Foods that are high in fiber decrease androstenedione, which means you should reduce your fiber intake, but dietary fiber has many health benefits.

Also, maintaining a healthy circadian rhythm helps to produce less androstenedione. The bottom line is, eating whole foods and carefully balancing your fats, carbs, proteins, and get plenty of rest.

2) Exercise and weight lifting

Exercising is a very effective way of preventing many lifestyle-related diseases and also good for boosting your T levels.

Exercising regularly increases your T levels, fitness, and reaction time.

All forms of exercise from resistance training like weight lifting to high-intensity workouts are very effective in increasing your T levels.

3) Change your lifestyle

Expose yourself to more sunlight especially in the morning to increase your T levels and make sure you get enough rest at night.

Reduce your stress levels and avoid smoking.

Also, have sex, men who regularly have sex are happier, healthier, and more confident.

And take your health seriously to avoid developing chronic diseases that will reduce your androstenedione levels.

Final thoughts

Androstenedione was once a very popular supplement before androstenedione sale and use was banned.

Taking androstenedione supplements can help boost your free T levels, energy, and help in weight loss.

Androstenedione only increases your T levels for a short time and comes with many serious side effects from damage to your liver to increased estrogen.

Instead of taking supplements to increase your androstenedione levels, opt to go the natural way by eating right, exercising, and getting quality sleep.  


The post Androstenedione Supplements vs Testosterone Boosters (What Matters?) appeared first on MeVolv.

Monday 19 August 2019

Alpha Titan Testo: What To Expect? Best Buyers Guide

Do you sometimes feel like it’s not enough to just exercise and eat right, you need something extra to achieve that perfect body.

You need to push yourself harder in the gym and be on a special diet.

But, no matter how hard you try you can’t seem to achieve that perfect body. Is your performance in bed being hampered by a general feeling of weakness and tiredness?

The sexual vigor that you once had when you were younger feels like it’s gone and you don’t know what to do to get it back. 

If you’re one of these men, you can get back your perfect body and your stamina back in bed by increasing your testosterone.

All you need is to find the right supplement that will help increase your testosterone levels to enhance your stamina in the gym and bed.

Also, one that will give you enough energy to build your body faster and you don’t have to use so much effort to achieve the desired results. 

What is Alpha Titan Testo?


Alpha Titan Testo is not just a simple male enhancement supplement.

It’s among the most common male enhancement supplements that are specially formulated for men to boost your testosterone levels to boost your sex drive improving your sexual performance.

When you reach a certain age, your testosterone levels begin to decrease which affects your appearance and sexual development. 

Testosterone is a male sex hormone that helps to stimulate the production of sperms, your libido, and help build bone and muscle mass.

When the testosterone levels decrease, your urge for sex decreases which increases your levels of impotence and reduces your muscle mass.

Apart from improving your libido and increasing your testosterone levels, Alpha Titan Testo can also help in solving other sexual issues like premature ejaculation, impotence, poor sperm quality, and poor performance in bed.

Alpha Titan Testo is specially formulated with natural ingredients that work together to boost your sex drive while at the same time improving your performance in bed.

This supplement is known to give men back their virility and youth so that your lovemaking sessions with your woman can be even more passionate and satisfying than before.

Apart from that your health also gets to benefit by helping you sustain a long and hard erection, boosting the levels of testosterone in your body, gives you bigger and stronger muscles, improving your libido, and endurance.

For men who wish to regain their sexual desires, this male enhancing supplement is just what you need. 

Alpha Titan Testo ingredients

Alpha Titan Testo contains herbal extracts that are 100% natural and said to have no side effects.

The blend of ingredients is said to help improve blood flow in your body and in your penile chamber which helps with erectile dysfunction to give you a longer and harder erection.

These ingredients are also useful in enhancing muscle growth and improving your strength. Some of these ingredients include:

Tongkat Ali extract

This is an ingredient that helps to increase your testosterone levels, improve your endurance, virility, vigor, and increasing the production of protein in your body (1).

This plant extract is used in many male supplements to increase your testosterone levels and increasing blood flow in your body and the pelvic region to improve your sex life (2, 3).

Traditionally, it was used by the natives of South Asia as an aphrodisiac because it contains compounds that help to stimulate your libido, improve semen quality, and help with muscle growth. 

Saw palmetto

This is an extract that is good for your body in the production of nitric oxide (4).

By increasing nitric oxide in your body, your blood vessels become more dilated which helps to improve circulation.

As a man, the older you get the lower your testosterone levels which mean to help you produce and maintain longer erections you need more high levels of nitric oxide to increase blood flow in your body (5).

Horney goat weed extract

This is an herb used as an aphrodisiac because it helps to improve your libido and hormone production (6).

Increasing your testosterone levels helps to increase your stamina and sex drive and also makes sure you get harder and long-lasting erections (7).

It’s also good for the development of your bones.

Orchic substance

This ingredient is responsible for improving your mood.

It helps to reduce your stress levels which promotes relaxation and you’re able to concentrate better during lovemaking when in bed with your partner.

It’s an ingredient that is used in most male enhancement supplements to boost performance but still there is no much scientific evidence to support this claim (8). 


L-arginine is an amino acid that is good for enhancing your sexual performance.

With the help of arginine, this supplement can help boost your virility, increase oxygen in your body, and protein production (9).

This protein helps to promote muscle growth which increases your stamina.

Your muscle strength will also increase as this ingredient gets rid of old and weak muscles for new muscle growth.


This is an ingredient that is responsible for increasing nitric acid in your system which enhances blood circulation (10).

This means that there is more blood flowing to your penis which will give you a stronger and long-lasting erection.

Nettle extract

Nettle is a very effective ingredient in reducing inflammation in your body (11).

It works wonders in ensuring that you always have good sexual stamina.


This is a root that helps all the other ingredients be easily absorbed by your body to increase their effectiveness (12).


This is a mineral that is required in the formation of good strong bones. It’s also good for your heart and muscle growth.

Alpha Titan Testo also provides your body with vital nutrients and minerals that could be missing in your diet to help you have a more satisfying and lasting bedroom experience.

How does Alpha Titan Testo work?

All the natural ingredients in Alpha Titan Testo are meant to give your body better performance.

With the help of Tongkat Ali, the levels of testosterone production in your body increases which increases your energy and stamina.

As a male enhancement supplement, its purpose is to boost your libido and your overall sex life.

With the help of the Horney goat weed, your sexual desire is increased and any erectile dysfunction symptoms are remedied. 

So you’re able to make your partner happy by satisfying her.

This supplement is also said to increase blood flow to your body which helps to give you a longer-lasting and harder erection.

As more blood and oxygen flow to your penile area, you’re able to maintain an erection for longer which also enables you to enjoy long hours of sexual activity.

Apart from how it improves your sexual life, it’s also good for increasing your energy and stamina.

This increases your endurance as you work out courtesy of Nettle extract and Tongkat Ali. You’re able to exercise for longer hours and achieve your fitness goals in a shorter period.

Check Top Rated Testosterone Boosters (High Potency Levels)

Benefits of using Alpha Titan Testo

Alpha Titan Testo contains natural ingredients that may have many health benefits from improving your sex life to increase your energy. These are some of the claimed benefits you can get from this supplement.

  • ✅ Boosts your energy with the help of ginseng and Rhodiola roots.
  • ✅ The healthy and natural ingredients help to correct erectile dysfunction to give you a harder and stronger erection.
  • Reduces fatigue by increasing your energy levels during your workouts at the gym.
  • ✅ It raises your testosterone levels in your body which improves your sex life.
  • ✅ For your body to have more energy, it requires increased circulation. With the help of boron, your body gets more nutrients and oxygen for more energy and to help achieve a harder erection.
  • ✅ The different natural and active ingredients increase your endurance so you can work out for longer.
  • ✅ A great product for strengthening your muscles and boosting muscle growth.
  • ✅ Increases the production of nitric oxide and testosterone in your body for a better sexual life. 

Side effects

The only negative thing about this supplement is that it’s only meant for men, so women can’t use it.

However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t have an adverse reaction to some of the ingredients present in this product.

People with asthma, allergies, and heart problems should be careful as you might react to some of the ingredients. 

Your body may react to l-arginine and cause diarrhea, bloating, abdominal pain, or nausea and especially if you suffer from asthma or allergies.

You could also react to Horney goat weed which can cause vomit, dizziness, trouble breathing, thirst, nose bleeding, low blood pressure, irregular heartbeats.

Saw palmetto is also another ingredient that can cause headaches, sexual problems, nausea, impotence, constipation, and diarrhea. 

Is it safe to use Alpha Titan Testo?

All the ingredients present in this product are all 100% natural.

They’re extracts from plants and they don’t contain any preservatives, binders, prohormones, or GMOs that can adversely affect you in any way.

However, this doesn’t mean it’s safe to use this product. Some of the ingredients may not sit well with your body. 

How to take Alpha Titan Testo?

This supplement comes in a bottle that contains 60 pills that you can refill after every month.

You only need to take one capsule per day every day with a warm glass of water.

How long you should use this product varies from one person to the next.

And depending on how your body reacts to the product, it can take a shorter or longer time to see any results.

However, for visible results, it’s recommended you use it for 8-10 weeks.

Customer reviews

When you go online, you will get a variety of customer reviews that either praises the effectiveness of this product while others have negative feedback.

Some customers claim that this product has increased their energy levels after using it for 4 weeks and given them a stronger and long-lasting erection. And even after using it for more than 7 weeks they haven’t experienced any side effects. 

One customer complained that he bought Alpha Titan Testo with the hopes of solving his erectile dysfunction and infertility problems. And, even after using it for about a month nothing happened. 

Many customers have complained that the company charged their credit cards for the free trial and didn’t refund back their money even after returning the product 10 days after delivery. 

While some users think that this is a great product to buy despite being expensive, others think it’s a waste of money. One thing to remember is, not every product will work for you as it did someone else.

Where to get Alpha Titan Testo?

You can buy Alpha Titan Testo from the website of the manufacturer.

If you’ve never used this supplement before, you can take advantage of their free trial to see if it works for you before you make any purchases.

According to the website, although it’s a free trial you’re expected to pay for the shipping costs.

However, many customers have complained of being charged the full $89.99 for the product even before their stipulated 14 days of the trial period are over.

It’s also available at many online sellers which can make it difficult to get the right product.

However, it’s not available in your local retail stores.

Check Top Rated Testosterone Boosters (High Potency Levels)

Closing thought

Alpha Titan Testo is a supplement that contains natural ingredients that have shown to have benefited some customers while it failed to improve their sex drive, libido, and testosterone, or give them a longer and harder erection in others.

Some of the ingredients in this supplement are associated with some side effects that you have to look out for.

Not all supplements will work the same way for you the way they worked for someone else because our bodies are different.

However, before taking any supplement, consult your doctor first to make sure you have no underlying problems that haven’t been addressed. 

The post Alpha Titan Testo: What To Expect? Best Buyers Guide appeared first on MeVolv.

Thursday 15 August 2019

Ageless Male Reviews (2019): What To Expect? Side-effects?

If you’re a man and have reached a certain age, you’ve probably come across ads for testosterone boosting supplements that can help you with your dwindling sexual performance, strength, and muscle mass that have been brought about by low testosterone levels.

Although some of the men who take testosterone register good results, some of them don’t.

This could partly be caused by some medical condition like high blood pressure, bad cholesterol, or erectile dysfunction as blood isn’t flowing to your penis and not low T levels. 

Testosterone is an important male hormone that is responsible for controlling your sperm production, fat distribution, sex drive, energy levels, muscle mass, and bone mass.

When you have low levels of this hormone, you may experience fatigue, fewer erections, reduced intensity of orgasm, lack of concentration, and poor sex drive. 

Ageless Male is a male testosterone booster that claims to restore back your youth and increase your testosterone levels with other health benefits.

Before we delve in, let’s first understand that supplement.

What is Ageless Male?

Ageless Male is a testosterone booster that is produced by New Vitality to increase your free testosterone. This product claims to:

  • Improve your libido and arousal.
  • Increase your physical energy.
  • Promote healthy levels of free testosterone.
  • Reduce body fat.
  • Build lean muscle and strength.

The manufacturer, New Vitality based in New York, claims that this T booster contains potent ingredients to help men over the age of 40 years regain their energy, stamina, and vigor. 

Ageless Male Reviews: Ingredients

Ageless Male is made up of 4 main ingredients and other smaller ingredients.

These include; magnesium, vitamin B6, fenugreek extract, and zinc.

If you compare with other high-quality testosterone boosters, they contain more ingredients which make them more effective.

Let’s look at these ingredients in details.

1) Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is a vitamin that your body can’t produce naturally.

That’s why it’s important to supplement vitamin B6 for the good of your health and to control your testosterone levels which helps to correct erectile dysfunction by increasing blood flow to your vessels (1).

It can also improve your sex drive and libido which will go a long way in having a happy and satisfying sex life. 

Other health benefits of this vitamin include improving your mood, supporting brain health, and reducing any clogging in your arteries.

And, according to health experts, it’s recommended that adults below 50 years take 1.3 mg of B6 every day while those above 50 years take 1.7 mg daily (2).

According to Ageless Male contain 4.9 mg which is well above the recommended daily intake which means it has more than enough for your needs whichever bracket you’re in. 

2) Fenugreek extract

Also called Testofen, this is an herb extract that has been used for centuries as a traditional medicine in India to increase your testosterone levels.

Men took this herb in liquid form and within a few weeks their T levels had significantly improved and they could have an erection for longer.

According to studies, fenugreek increases the bioavailability of testosterone in your body and has a positive impact on your libido. If you have low T levels you will most likely struggle with low libido (3).

It also can help with fighting obesity, erectile dysfunction, male infertility, impotence, and lack of sexual desire.

However, to notice a significant changes you need to consume high amounts of fenugreek extract of about 600-900 mg, but Ageless Male only contains 300 mg which is below the required amount (4)

3) Zinc

Zinc is a mineral that is important to your health and it has many health benefits.

Its main functions include fighting diabetes, boosting your immunity, balancing your hormones, and fighting cancerous cells.

The extent of zinc’s impact on your testosterone levels is dependent on whether you have a deficiency of the mineral in your body (5). 

You mostly get enough zinc from the food you consume so it’s not a common deficiency

A large amount of zinc is lost through sweating, so if you love to work out, then it would be a good idea to supplement to maintain normal levels of your T levels.

This will increase your energy levels, your prostrate health, T levels, and endurance during your workouts. 

4) Magnesium

Magnesium is also an important mineral in your body and very good for your bones and cardiovascular health.

It’s an essential mineral and a very good T booster that most men need more in their body.

If you love exercising, magnesium is a great mineral to include in your pre workout supplements as it helps to increase testosterone production in your body (6).

It’s also good for making your muscles more flexible, giving you stronger muscles, and helping improve the quality of your sleep.

The problem is Ageless Male contains 16 mg of magnesium aspartate which isn’t easily absorbed by your body in small quantities. For that reason, Ageless male never made it to the high potennt testosterone booster list.

The dose you’re supposed to take is in relation to 10 mg of your body weight, so if you’re of average weight you’re dosage should be 880 mg of magnesium to get any testosterone benefits.

How does Ageless Male work?

When you have enough testosterone levels, it affects all your sexual organs including your penis which gives it sustenance power improving your sexual life in the long run.

One of the best ways of knowing if a T booster is good at what it claims it can do is to check its functionality regarding its main purpose.

Ageless male contains potent ingredients that can improve your sex life, general health, and physical health by simply increasing the production of natural testosterone in your body.

Your body contains two types of testosterone, the bound and free.

The bound testosterone is inactive in your body, while free testosterone is readily available for your body to use.

With the help of testofen, zinc, and magnesium, this T booster will ensure that your body gets the free testosterone it needs to increase your energy levels and help you feel youthful again. 

Apart from increasing your energy levels, Ageless Male will help to increase your free T levels, sexual desire, and performance, improve your sleep and mood, libido, and support heart health.

Ageless Male Dosage

Ageless Male comes in the form of pills that you can easily take as per the simple instructions.

The recommended intake by the manufacturer is 2 pills at any time of the day. So you can take them in the morning and evening.

Ageless Male side effects

Ageless Male is a testosterone booster that is made from natural ingredients which aren’t harmful in any way, so they don’t have any side effects.

Although fenugreek is considered to be safe, it could cause you to experience nasal congestion, stomach upset or diarrhea, coughing, or low blood sugar. One minor side effect is that fenugreek will make your urine smell like maple syrup.

If you’re a healthy male with normal T levels, it’s not a good idea to have too much testosterone as it can cause you to have increased body hair, mood swings, and your pituitary gland can produce high levels of prolactin which can lead to infertility, impotence, and low libido.

Is Ageless Male a scam?

Ageless Male isn’t a scam, but there are a few concerns that need to be addressed

First, the main active ingredient in this supplement is fenugreek extract, but it’s only 300 mg instead of the recommended 1300 mg you need to take every day in order for you to see any health improvements. 

Secondly, there are many reports of a customer complaining about not being able to stop their automatic shipments even after contacting the company many times. This has caused the company, New Vitality many lawsuits for deceptive practices.

Thirdly, there have been reports that the supplement doesn’t work as it’s advertised and that New Vitality has been deceiving its customers. So, if you still want to try out the supplement monitor your credit card activity after you make your first order.

Alternatively, you can purchase this supplement from your local store instead of ordering which will be at a much lower price.

Ageless Male Reviews and Complaints

Just like any other product, Ageless Male has received both positive and negative reactions. Out of the 280 customer reviews on Amazon, 38% have given it 5 stars and it has an overall rating of 3.7 stars out of 5 stars. 

One customer who is 66 years old purchased this supplement to get his testosterone levels higher because he noticed it was dropping.

It helped him increase his T levels and he got a boost of energy he didn’t have before.

Another customer claims that his testosterone levels increased a bit after taking this supplement for a few months. And he now has some energy to exercise something he couldn’t do before.

While many of the customer comments are positive, other customers complain about having trouble canceling their auto-ship orders.

Others say although they noticed some change in their sperm count, there is no other significant change in their energy, libido, or stamina.

Ageless Male price, package, and where to buy it

You can purchase a single bottle of 60 tablets of Ageless Male directly from the company’s official website at $39.95 or you can take advantage of their buy 2 get 1 free offer and pay $79.90 and save $39.95.

You don’t pay any shipping or handling charges with your original order, but you get automatically signed up for the auto-ship program. This means that you get a refill sent to you after every 30 days and your credit card is charged $39.95 and $6.99 for shipping and handling. 

According to the company’s website, you can customize or cancel your auto-ship feature, but many customers complain that it’s hard to cancel despite calling customer care. 

You can also purchase Ageless Male in other online stores like Amazon and Everyday Vitamin. 

Ageless Male Reviews: Refund policy and money-back guarantee

According to the company website, if you purchase directly from the company, you get a 30-day 100% risk-free guarantee that starts immediately the product is delivered at your door.

To receive a refund you need to return the supplement you haven’t used in the bottle before 30 days.

The refund will not include the shipping and handling costs. 

Ageless Male pros and cons


  • It has a 30-day money-back guarantee.
  • It is fairly priced.
  • You can purchase the supplement from your local store or online.
  • Zinc has been found to be very effective.
  • Fenugreek and magnesium have many benefits to your body including increasing your T levels.


  • The supplement only contains 4 main ingredients and its main ingredient isn’t effective while the other 3 are just basic ingredients.
  • The auto-ship feature makes unauthorized charges on your credit card which is hard to cancel.
  • Ageless Male dosage is too small to make a significant difference. None of the ingredients reach the recommended dosage for good testosterone results.
  • The company’s customer service is poor.

Final words

Ageless Male is a supplement that claims to boost your T levels, but it may not live up to its claims because of its low dosage.

However, according to the positive customer reviews, it may see some improvements in your energy levels, libido, sex drive, endurance, and your overall health. 

This supplement raises a lot of red flags that you can’t ignore, from making unauthorized charges on your credit card, to not living up to its claims, and to top it off a very unfriendly customer support team.

But, you can’t also ignore the positive benefits mentioned by customers who have used it. 

With all the facts laid out for you, if you still want to try this supplement to avoid having the company charge your credit card for orders you haven’t authorized, you can just purchase Ageless Male from a local store. You can also check the top rated T boosters on the market.

You will even get it at a lower price than from online sellers and you don’t need to pay for shipping and handling costs. 

The post Ageless Male Reviews (2019): What To Expect? Side-effects? appeared first on MeVolv.

Sunday 11 August 2019

Best Testosterone Boosters With High Potency Levels (Proven Results Inside)

Testosterone is considered as one of the most important hormones in the human body.

Your testosterone levels will drastically decline as you age and it’s not something you will notice until you start to experience some of the symptoms associated with low testosterone.

This could be low libido, increased body fat, muscle loss, decreased energy, fatigue, and many others.

There are various supplements and medications you can take to help increase your T levels.

You want to wake up feeling energized to go to the gym for a great workout to burn some fat.

You want to have a fulfilled life that makes you happy every day.

However, there is no magic ward that will magically raise your testosterone levels. You have to give your body the nutrients it needs to increase your T levels the same way you work out to gain muscle. 

So, the main question is:

How do you find the right testosterone booster that works for you?

This is a question that most men ask especially with so many T boosters in the market today that promise what you’re looking for.

One thing you must understand is not all T boosters live up to their hype so you have to be careful when choosing the right one. 

To make things easy for you, we have compiled a list of some of the best testosterone boosters available in the market today.

What is a testosterone booster?

Just like the name suggests, a testosterone booster is simply a dietary supplement that will help to naturally boost your T levels.

T boosters are supposed to contain natural ingredients from either plant or animal products for them to be safe and legal.

They mainly comprise of minerals, vitamins, and herbs. Most of these ingredients are meant to give you great results as far as increasing your testosterone levels is concerned. 

Testosterone is a hormone that has an important role to play in the male body. It’s in charge of your sexual performance, muscle development, your libido and stamina, and developing other male characteristics.

But, as you grow older the male hormone continues to decline, that is why you need to use T boosters. You can check out these natural T boosters.

The best testosterone booster comparison table


Best Testosterone Booster Testogen


Testofuel Booster T levels



Burn excess fat Increase strength  Boost muscle gain
Gain lean muscle mass Improve libido Increase energy levels
Increase energy and mood Reduce belly fat Faster recovery after a workout
Increase recovery process Improve cognitive function Increase fat loss
Improved libido Gain lean muscle mass Enhanced sex drive

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How to increase your testosterone levels

Whether your testosterone levels are high or low can make a great difference in the kind of life that you will have.

There are many ways you can naturally increase your testosterone levels. These include:

  • Taking a proper diet.
  • Getting enough sunlight or vitamin D.
  • Working out and weight lifting.
  • Reducing stress.
  • Getting good quality sleep.
  • Eating lots of healthy fats.
  • Using natural T boosters.
  • Taking supplements rich in minerals and vitamins.

All the above can help in increasing your testosterone levels, but using natural T boosters is more effective because they also come with added benefits.

When you combine eating a healthy diet, getting a good night rest, and daily exercise, you maximize the effect of the natural testosterone boosters you take.

This will help to combat the symptoms of low testosterone more effectively. 

Benefits of high testosterone levels

When you increase your low testosterone levels, your body benefits a lot. With high testosterone levels, you can expect the following:

✅ Mood and appetite are restored.

✅ Reduced body fat.

✅ Increased energy levels.

✅ Improved strength and muscle mass.

✅ Better concentration and focus.

✅ Better sexual performance.

✅ Increased libido.

✅ Improved general health and well-being.

✅ The quality of your life tends to be so much better once your testosterone levels increase. 

Now that you know how you can increase your testosterone levels and the benefits that come with it, the next step is to know which T booster is best for you? 

If you’re wondering which criteria to use to select these T boosters, the next section will show you how.

Each supplement is made with different natural ingredients and these are what will guide you to pick the right T booster.

Most important ingredients found in testosterone boosters

1) Fenugreek 

Also called Testofen, fenugreek is a very important herb found in most testosterone supplements.

It’s a powerful aphrodisiac that also helps to naturally increase your testosterone levels in your body (1).

For centuries, this herb has been used and is said to be a very effective herb.

It has many proven benefits, one being boosting the availability of free testosterone in your body by reducing the production of the enzyme that converts testosterone into estrogen (2).

Fenugreek is also good at increasing your energy levels, improving your sex drive, quality of life, and sexual performance.

2) Tribulus Terrestris

Tribulus is an herb that has been used for many years in herbal medicine (3).

According to some animal studies, it has shown to increase their testosterone levels and improve their sex drive.

Although there are no many human studies done to show its testosterone boosting effects, Tribulus appears to have some benefits on men with low testosterone levels or symptoms of sexual dysfunction (4).

But, it doesn’t seem to increase the testosterone levels of healthy or normal individuals. 

3) B-complex vitamins

The B-vitamins are good for making sure all your body functions are working properly by providing the energy needed (4).

They serve as the building blocks of your body and help to improve your brain function, energy levels, and fat and protein metabolism.

They’re beneficial to both men and women, but when it comes to men, these vitamins help to increase your testosterone levels and increase your strength which in turn helps to build muscle (5). 

4) D-aspartic acid

This is an amino acid that contains aspartic acid.

It’s very effective in boosting your testosterone levels naturally. According to research, if you take D-aspartic acid for only 12 days, it’s enough to produce significant changes in your testosterone levels and even help in the production and quality of your sperm (6).

However, it might not have any substantial benefits if you have no problems with your testosterone levels.

5) Zinc

Zinc is an essential mineral and an aphrodisiac that is used by your body in most of the chemical processes.

The zinc levels in your body are closely related to the testosterone levels.

When you don’t eat foods rich in zinc it lowers your testosterone levels, but you can take zinc supplements to increase these levels if you’re zinc deficient (7).

Apart from increasing your testosterone levels, zinc has also been found to help in increasing your sperm count for those with low levels and help with faster recovery after a high-intensity workout.

6) Ginseng

Ginseng has been used by the Chinese for centuries for the treatment of many illnesses, but there is no evidence of it boosting your T levels (8).

It comes in many varieties and is said to increase your levels of energy and alertness to help you achieve better results during your workout.

It’s believed to help reduce stress, treat erectile dysfunction, reduce your cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and increase your energy.

It’s also a good blood thinner and increases the absorption rate of minerals and vitamins in your body.

7) Magnesium

Magnesium is an essential mineral that helps to support your immune system and maintain the normal functioning of your nerves and muscles.

This mineral is commonly found in food and has an impact on your testosterone levels.

If you’re magnesium deficient, you can take supplements that will increase the T levels and improve your muscular performance in older men who are vulnerable to low testosterone levels (9).

Some forms of magnesium like magnesium oxide and sulfate are used in T boosters don’t absorb easily into your body, but magnesium aspartate, lactate, citrate, and chloride can easily absorb. 

8) Tongkat Ali

Tongkat Ali is a root found in Southeast Asia that has been used for centuries as traditional medicine and is mostly consumed in supplements, energy drinks, coffee or tea.

It’s believed to increase your T levels, muscular strength, improve male fertility, and even help with stress, erectile dysfunction, fatigue, and low libido.

Although there isn’t enough evidence to prove the amount of this herb you should take per day that is safe, studies show that taking 300-600 mg of Tongkat Ali is a safe amount to take per day (10). 

Some research suggests that taking this supplement orally can improve the quality and concentration of sperms in infertile men and also the sexual desire and quality of life in healthy men. But, it doesn’t seem to help athletes improve their physical performance. 

Comparison table of the ingredients in each testosterone booster

Ingredients Testogen  Testomax  Testofuel  Test RX Prime Male Nugenix 
Fenugreek 40 mg 150 mg 100 mg 300 mg None 700 mg
Tribulus 300 mg 225 mg None None None  None
Vitamins B 20 mg 45 mg 5 mg 150 mg 7.5 mg 2 mg
D-aspartic acid 2352 mg 1500 mg 2300 mg 2300 mg 1600 mg 3000 mg
Zinc 10 mg 2.4 mg 10 mg 10 mg 30 mg 15 mg
Ginseng 40 mg 187.5 mg 100 mg None 120 mg None
Magnesium 200 mg None 200 mg 200 mg 100 mg None 
Tongkat Ali None None None None None 150 mg

Best Testosterone Boosters (From High To Low Potency)

1- Testogen

Best Testosterone Booster Testogen

Testogen is formulated with pure, natural ingredients that have been scientifically proven to effectively regulate and produce testosterone.

It’s produced by Wolfson Berg Limited, a manufacturing company that has been a leader in the supplement business for more than 10 years. 

It contains optimal dosages of each ingredient that not only help to increase your testosterone levels, but also promote muscle growth, sex drive, and your overall sexual performance.

The special combination of fenugreek, Tribulus Terrestris, and d-aspartic acid are potent ingredients that make this product very effective. 

Fenugreek is a very important herb that helps to increase your testosterone and also assist in weight training.

It blocks the enzyme that converts testosterone into estrogen increasing the availability of free testosterone in your body.

When Tribulus and d-aspartic acid are combined, they work to promote muscle growth and increase your strength

Other ingredients present are magnesium, zinc, and vitamin B that support anabolic processes, promote sleep and assist in the production of testosterone while you get a good night’s rest, which in turn helps to provide you with energy to wake up feeling energized for the day.

This T booster also contains vitamin D and K, and nettle leaf extract that makes it easier for your body to absorb and metabolize all these ingredients so that they can be effective in your body.  


  • ✅ Contains high quality and very potent ingredients
  • ✅ Stimulates testosterone production
  • ✅ Promotes muscle gain
  • ✅ Increases your sexual performance
  • ✅ Helps fight fatigue
  • ✅ Improves your focus and concentration
  • ✅ Reduces excess fat
  • ✅ Promotes quick recovery after a workout
  • ✅ Improves your stamina
  • ✅ Increases your energy levels
  • ✅ Safe to use


  • Can only be purchased from the company’s official website.
  • It’s quite pricy.

➡️Check Best Price Here⬅️

2- Testomax


Contains almost the same ingredients as Testogen. It’s the best testosterone booster that supports muscle gain that is why it’s very popular with bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts.

It’s manufactured by CrazyBulk, one of the most popular companies known worldwide for its natural supplements. It has made a name for itself which guarantees its customers high-quality products.

It contains 12 ingredients that help to naturally boost your testosterone levels, help create lean muscle mass, and strengthen your vitality.

Testo-Max contains the perfect combination of fenugreek, Tribulus Terrestris, and d-aspartic acid that are very powerful T boosters. 

It also contains high levels of ginseng, an herb that is well known for improving your body’s absorption rate and helps in blood thinning.

This supplement contains a formula that is useful to your body and provides optimal dosages of each ingredient.


  • ✅ Increase your libido
  • ✅ Contains high-quality and potent ingredients
  • ✅ Contains good doses of ginseng and B-vitamins that are useful to your body
  • ✅ Improves your mood
  • ✅ Promotes muscle gain
  • ✅ Gives you mental clarity
  • ✅ Strengthens your bones
  • ✅ Boosts your energy levels


  • It’s only available on the product’s official website.

➡️Check Best Price Here⬅️

3- Testofuel

Testofuel Booster T levels

This testosterone booster is produced by Roar Ambition, an established supplement company that has made a name for itself in the supplement industry.

It’s a fair testosterone booster with high-quality ingredients that increase your metabolism to promote muscle growth and a strong physique.

All the ingredients contained in this formula are 100% natural and safe to use.

The main ingredients are fenugreek, vitamin D3, and oyster extract which are important in boosting the male hormones, regulating DHT levels in your body, increase production of the growth hormone which helps in increasing lean muscle. 

Oyster extract is a rich source of zinc, an essential mineral your body needs to increase testosterone and sperm count.

It also helps to suppress the production of estrogen to make sure that your testosterone levels are optimal. 


  • ✅ Improves your cognitive functions
  • ✅ Improves your libido
  • ✅ Contains oyster extract that is a rich source of zinc
  • ✅ Contains fenugreek at optimal levels
  • ✅ Increases your strength
  • ✅ You get more energy
  • ✅ Formulated with 100% natural ingredients


  • Can only be purchased from its official website
  • It’s quite pricey
  • Potency level is low but works gradually with time of usage.

➡️Check Best Price Here⬅️

4- Test RX

Test RX T booster

Test RX is also on this list because it’s among the best testosterone boosters with a very solid formula that has made it a very effective testosterone booster.

It has received very many positive reviews from satisfied customers who have noted a great increase in their testosterone levels. 

As with all the testosterone boosters on this list, Test RX also contains fenugreek, d-aspartic acid, but lacks Tribulus Terrestris.

However, it contains high amounts of zinc, vitamin B, and magnesium that help you sleep better which helps to increase your body’s production of testosterone and anabolic processes which in turn boosts your energy levels. 

It also contains ZMA that helps increase your T levels.

Its natural and safe ingredients are very effective in improving your sexual performance, increasing blood flow to your body which increases the rate of testosterone production in your body.


  • ✅ Very effective natural ingredients
  • ✅ Contains high amounts of fenugreek and d-aspartic acid
  • ✅ Increases your energy levels
  • ✅ Increases muscle gain
  • ✅ Boosts your sex drive
  • ✅ Promotes good quality sleep
  • ✅ You gain strength rapidly
  • ✅ Quickens muscle recovery


  • Does not contain Tribulus Terrestris in its formula
  • Can cause some allergic reactions
  • Some customers complaining about adverse side-effects.

➡️Check Best Price Here⬅️

5- Prime Male

Prime-Male Booster

Prime Male is a testosterone booster that is worth mentioning.

It’s a supplement that has been in the market for some time and one that has a good formula and positive reviews.

It contains d-aspartic acid, red ginseng, Bioperine, and two new ingredients luteolin and mucuna pruriens seed extract that the above supplements don’t have. 

D-aspartic acid is important in any T booster as it helps to release free testosterone in your body which helps to raise your T levels.

The red ginseng will increase blood flow while luteolin will suppress the production of estrogen as Bioperine increases your body’s absorption rate to improve the effectiveness of the supplement.

Stress can reduce the production of testosterone in your body, but with the help of mucuna pruriens seed extract your stress levels will fix that and also help in reducing prolactin levels in your blood. This will increase the production of free testosterone and with the sudden boost, you will feel much younger and youthful.

However, Prime Male doesn’t contain fenugreek, an important ingredient in the production of testosterone. 


  • ✅ Contains luteolin that suppresses the production of estrogen
  • ✅ Contains good ingredients that support testosterone production
  • ✅ Helps you build lean muscle
  • ✅ Promotes fat loss
  • ✅ Enhances your sexual performance
  • ✅ Improves male impotence


  • Doesn’t contain fenugreek.
  • Can only be purchased online.
  • T level boost can be very slow and not noticeable in the first month of usage.

➡️Check Best Price Here⬅️

6- Nugenix

Nugenix T booster

Nugenix is a great testosterone booster that helps to increase the production of free testosterone in your body.

It contains multiple ingredients that are efficient and 100% natural which means it’s safe to use this product.

It contains 6 main ingredients that include vitamin B12, B6, zinc, L-citrulline malate, fenugreek, and Tribulus Terrestris. 

Fenugreek is crucial in boosting your T levels as well as improving your libido, and sexual performance.

Tribulus is great a great herb that treats male impotence and female infertility and can also help in improving your sexual desire, performance, and satisfaction. 

Vitamins B6 and B12 are essential vitamins that your body needs not only for nutrients but to regulate your metabolism which increases your energy and hormone synthesis.

Your endurance levels also increase which a benefit especially if you love going to the gym. Zinc is a mineral that your body needs for your immune system, cell repair, prostate health, and in the production of testosterone.

Lastly, L-citrulline malate isn’t an ingredient you have seen in the above T boosters and it doesn’t directly help to boost your testosterone production, but it’s good at increasing your energy levels for a great workout.

This helps your body release more testosterone and with increased blood flow and nitric oxide, some of your erectile dysfunction symptoms will disappear.


  • ✅ Boost your energy levels for better results in the gym
  • ✅ Improve your libido and performance
  • ✅ Reduce fatigue
  • ✅ Boosts natural production of free testosterone
  • ✅ Improve the quality of sleep
  • ✅ Contains natural ingredients that are safe to use


  • Contains a proprietary blend (which means can’t identify about other ingredients amounts)
  • It very pricey.
  • Low potency results.

➡️Check Best Price Here⬅️

Do testosterone boosters work?

After going through this list, you probably have already made up your mind which testosterone booster you want to buy, but you aren’t sure if it will work.

This is a question that most people ask if you struggle with low testosterone. 

Testosterone supplements help to increase your testosterone levels.

So the answer is probably yes.

They contain ingredients that help your body produce more testosterone, but they don’t boost your testosterone levels above your normal, healthy level.

Boosters more or less bring back your low testosterone levels to their healthy equilibrium instead of boosting your T levels above their normal range. 

Your body is good at regulating your hormone levels all by itself, so when you try to boost your normal testosterone levels it will only last for a few hours then it will get rid of the excess testosterone.

So you might have higher T levels than normal for a while but not too much of it.

Who should take testosterone boosters?

When men grow older, you reach a certain point in your life that you want to feel stronger, improve your libido, be more energetic, and have better sexual performance, but because your T levels are low, it becomes hard.

You tend to feel fatigued, foggy, and listless with low energy levels which are all symptoms of low testosterone levels in middle-aged and older men. 

Increased testosterone affects almost all your body functions from your physical, mental, emotional, sexual, and your general well-being.

If you fit in the category of men who have low testosterone levels, you need to use testosterone boosters.

This is mostly men over the age of 40 years, who don’t exercise, who are overweight, and those who don’t get enough sleep. 

However, you need to realize that testosterone boosters won’t solve all your problems, but they can help to reduce some of the negative effects that come with having low testosterone.

Do testosterone boosters have any side effects?

All the above products have no side effects.

You can use them safely without any harmful side effects.

One of the main reasons you can trust them is because they’re manufactured by reputable companies that have been in the supplement for many years.

This way you know you’re getting high-quality products that are safe to use and produced with natural ingredients. 

Remember to stick to the recommended dosage and check to see if there are any ingredients you’re allergic to in the supplement before you buy.

How to use testosterone boosters

Each supplement comes with instructions on how to use it and it’s always recommended that you stick to them to get the best results.

There is a recommended dosage that is indicated for you to take every day.

You’re also advised on other healthy ways you can combine with the supplement like taking a healthy diet and regular exercising to help the supplement be more effective.

Consulting your doctor is always something you should do before taking any supplements so that you can rule out any allergies or underlying medical conditions that you didn’t know you had.

Final thoughts

With all this information, you’re now in a better position to know the best testosterone booster for you.

Many T boosters contain a wide range of potent ingredients and you will notice that the high-quality supplements have almost the same main ingredients.

Make sure you check all the ingredients for each product before you buy to avoid having any allergic reactions. 

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