Thursday 30 November 2017

The 2 Week Diet – Is This Weight loss PDF Book Worth It?

Has your weight become a bother? What sort of drugs, weight loss supplements, or diet pills have you tried to lose weight? Perhaps you are still not content because you have not achieved your goal. Weight gain has its share of health issues including blood pressure, kidney failure, heart diseases and a host of various breathing problems.

There are various causes of weight gain. Highly engineered junk foods, which result in food addiction is one of the well-known leading reasons. It has also been argued that abuse of the likes of alcohol; cocaine, nicotine, and cannabis also result in weight gain. Many pharmaceutical drugs especially diabetes medication and antidepressants are known to have weight gain as a side effect.

However, with all these risks, thousands of both men and women have expressed their willpower to lose weight to remodel their bodies. Apart from being the best gyms, there are other approaches to weight loss one of them being the 2 Week Diet.

What is The 2 Week Diet?


The 2 Week Diet is a full, infallible system, which allows you to lose weight in 14 days. The program is ideal given that it gives you easy-to-follow instructions, which turn out to be the safest way to eliminate weight quickly. Science-based studies have revealed that it helps in burning the stubborn body fat no matter your current size. It makes you slimmer to the point of losing more than 8.

The two – week application shows you tools and suggestions, tips and techniques for removing body fat, which you have probably fought for long periods of time. It helps you understand why you have not been losing weight. The best part of it is that it can easily be downloaded from your home computer or mobile device.  The program, which has taken the health and fitness industry by storm is said to be a mysterious solution given that it is a guaranteed to melt close to 16 pounds.  As many may have been made to believe, it is not a crash diet program. Instead, it helps you take control of your body.

Click Here For More Details on 2 Week Diet Program

 Who is The Author of 2 Week Diet Program?


The program has been created by Brian Flatt who is not only a weight loss consultant but also a certified sports nutritionist.  Flatt, who has been a nutritionist for more than a decade is also a personal trainer and author and has lived most of his life promoting healthy living. He is said to have reviewed over 500 medical studies, diet books and hundreds of diet systems. There are over 20,000,000 diet books on the market today, and as a nutritionist, Flatt read 500 medical and nutritional studies per month.

The consultant argues that the 2 Week Diet is designed and geared to help users lose weight quicker and healthier. Numerous clinical studies have proved that it is worth following programs, which offer fast initial weight loss results in better long-term success other than going for the short-term magical pills. To be more precise the system is not known to have any adverse claims.

While this diet may be too much of a shock to many people, Flatt clings to the decades disproven calorie-in/calorie-out theory of weight loss. On the other hand, the program promises to help in developing toned muscles, decreasing cellulite and increasing your energy levels.  It has also been scientifically proven to be in use by a majority of athletes, celebrities, and physical fitness gurus. Apparently, you need not be in tedious exercise to make the system work.


So How Does it Work?

Losing weight means having to eat fewer calories and burning more. In return, your body seeks energy from stored fat. Hours of working out at the gym and then coming home to a protein shake for supper will leave you not only tired but also hungry and unfulfilled.



However, according to Flatt’s, The 2 Week Diet introduces the user to total healthy eating methods, foods and techniques. The system reveals a list of real, healthy and tasty wholesome foods, which are associated with weight loss. Are these foods expensive? No, they are not. In fact, they are readily available at local stores and supermarkets. Unlike the costly, intensive and prolonged weight loss solutions, which may have cost you a dime, the locally available foods save you money.

Flatt insists on the need for following the 2 Week Program, which is not limiting to age, gender, ethnicity, diets or body types. However, even if the program involves only dieting, workouts or exercises are highly recommended. A few light and non-strenuous activities will help in accelerating it.

Nonetheless, don’t expect to just move from size 14 to 8 or 6 in only 14days. Apparently, this is not realistic, and the truth is that you used an extended period than the two weeks to obtain your current size. Your body type and the amount of body fat your body carries define the amount of weight you shall lose during your first two weeks of using the program.


Flatt’s 2 Week Diet System has four components: –



  • The Launch Handbook


The manual contains the entire science of gaining and losing weight. It has a complete introduction and explanation of how to system works with step by step instructions, which are straightforward and simple.  You will learn the hard truth about the process of gaining weight, how to lose it and the tactics to use to prevent it from coming back.  The handbook offers you the power to revolutionize your body.

The Launch Handbook also explores a common myth, which states that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day.”


  • Diet Handbook

You must be very careful about what you eat, and this is precisely what this handbook, will provide. What you eat must be about your unique needs. The secret is to try and disregard all calories, which are not essential from foods such as candy, chips, cookies, alcohol and refined grains. The book offers an easy to prepare meal plan, a list of tasty and highly efficient foods in burning off fats and a list of foods you must avoid if you want to lose weight. The plan will not disappoint in reaching your weight loss goals fast.


  • Activity Handbook

We may have stated before that the program is only about dieting and that exercising is not a must. However, the activity handbook will explain in detail the ideal practical routines, which will help you get there. As little as 20 minutes sessions of exercise 3 or 4 times per week will not hurt.


  • Motivational Manual

Losing weight requires you to have the right mindset. You must also be very motivated to undertake any obstacle. The motivational manual will give you the inspiration, which will help you break through all the barriers. It demonstrates the many approaches, which you can use to help you stay motivated throughout the planned diet. It has science-proven methods, which will help you stay focused.



Pros and Cons


proThe 2 Week Diet promotes zero food wastage by serving exact quantities

proYou do not need to detox juices or starve yourself with protein shakes

proThe program is easy to implement and other than staying motivated you do not need special abilities to perform it.

proThe 2 Week Plan is based on your body fat percentage and does not require any medication or supplements. Instead, you will get a customizable diet plan for the exercise with customized information and guidance

proThe system is not demanding because you only need to follow it for 15 to 30 minutes per day, 3-4 days a week. This sounds flexible. Doesn’t it? Especially for those have a busy lifestyle and perhaps do not have time for consistent exercise.

proIt is a great fat loss system for those who are looking at fitting into their ready-made outfits to those special occasions.

proThe diet plan has the money back guarantee with of a full refund in case the user does not shed weight in two months’ time.



consThe handbooks are not conveniently available given that they are all eBooks. If you need a hard copy, you must make an extra cost of printing them.

consThe plan requires individual discipline and commitment. Remember, unlike other programs, the 2 Week Diet does not involve any fitness coach to monitor your progress. The results are dependent on the user.

consSome of the wholesome foods may be hard to find.


Where to buy The 2-Week Diet


The most significant thing to remember about this diet is that it teaches you about living your life day-to-day.  It is ideal for anyone seeking to mend their overall health and drastically change their long-term eating habits. The locations from where you can get The 2 – Week Diet are available from the official website. The author says that payments can be made through PayPal, Credit and Debit cards among others.

Flatt hopes to reach millions of people around the world and help them feel healthier and avoid recurrent weight gain.


An overview of what to take and what not to take in The 2 Week Diet

Which is the most suitable time for taking diet to lose weight in 14 days?

Well, this sounds a concern to many. However, it is always advisable to eat a substantial breakfast after massive fasting for the whole night. Studies have it that breakfast should be taken within an hour after waking up to stimulate the metabolism.

Remember to eat healthy and nutritious food.

Breakfast ideas include a drink prepared with ice-covered raspberries; some oatmeal heated in water, milk, and slivered almonds, two eggs matted with spinach. You can also try mushrooms, an exclusive of protein foods and a portion of complete-wheat toast plus an orange.

It is at lunchtime that your digestive enzymes increase its concentration. Thus, to stay active, you must also eat well. A nutritious lunch included a full wheat pita split and capped with sauce from marinara, a salad made of romaine alongside chopped radishes, grape tomatoes served with sunflower seed, mozzarella cheese of low – fat and bell peppers, tuna preserved in water, an avocado as little as one-eighth and salsa.

Night meal should be eaten before 7 pm or at least 2 hours before going to bed. This timing allows your digestive system to have some rest, which in return allows your body to get repair and regenerate. Nonetheless, it should also be very light, and such a meal includes a chicken breast served with Cajun seasoning, well-prepared zucchini plussautéed ground turkey, quinoa prepared in chicken broth, sliced tomatoes together with steamed broccoli.

Snacking is necessary for between the meals. Snacks help in maintaining blood sugar levels. So why don’t you consider snacks such as a boiled egg, romaine lettuce draped together with deli meat, cheese, a piece of a banana or better still low-fat yogurt with chopped pear?

The secret is in giving yourself the best and treating your body right. Embrace any opening of getting that long desired body.  Other than exercising, and the 2-week weight plan other means of losing weight include going up the staircase in place of an escalator, instead of going for a movie, choose to go dancing and pacing as you wait to attend to a meeting.

The truth is these additional and perhaps insignificant engagements are of value and especially if you are the first time to exercise. You will only be able to drop more pounds if you take up the task of burning more calories every day.

However, even with the controlled eating, you will require small servings of unsaturated fats, which will help in supporting brain health, absorbing vitamins and assisting in the with proper bodily function. That said, you can choose to use raw nuts and seeds, nut butter, avocado, olive oil, and salmon.


Customer’s feedback on the use of The 2 Week Diet

Most people may have been skeptical about how much weight one can lose in two weeks. However, a lot of Flatt’s clients are known to reach the 10-pound mark of losing weight in the first month. The system goes hand in hand with current weight loss studies, and its results are speaking loud and clear.

Many of its users have spoken positively about it citing how first it works. There are hundreds of positive reviews and testimonials on this diet plan both online and on YouTube.

Dian Kicked has confessed having lost up to 2 pounds before the end of the 4th day after miserable results from other diet systems. She now has back the body she has wished for all the years.

Chris Shrunk one of those who has used it outline that they have tried all sorts of extreme diets, which failed. However, with the diet plan, he was able to lose two pant sizes in only two weeks.

Another Amelia Burned lost half a dozen pounds in less than the prescribed 14 days and was able to be part of a big family reunion without feeling terrified about her weight. She says that after starting The 2Week Diet Plan the fat just kept coming off and by the end of the month she had reversed entirely a whole year of bad eating and laziness.

Things experts will not tell you about losing weight

Despite the effectiveness of whatever approach you chose in losing weight, here are essential facts which you must know about weight loss journey: –

prosA diet, which has worked for your friend won’t necessarily work for you.

prosEating less dietary fat won’t make you less fat.

prosYou don’t need to belong to a gym to lose weight.

prosThere are some parts of your body you can change and some other parts you just need to learn to love and live on.

prosAll sugar isn’t evil when it comes to weight loss

prosA daily glass of wine is an effective fat releaser

Visit official website

Final verdict

Some medical experts will talk about losing close to 20 pounds in just seven days. Whether this is practical or not WebMD outlines various risks, which comes along with the seven days. The risks include dehydration, malnutrition, constipation, and extreme tiredness and muscle loss. You are also likely to suffer from menstrual irregularities, the formation of gallstones, electrolyte imbalances, dizziness and headaches among others. This explains how unsafe it is to work for a short period of losing weight.

The Two Week Diet” may sound magical but you need to realize that weight loss comes with hard work. Flatt explains that it is worth considering it. It is foolproof, and many fitness coaches have recognized it as a science-based system.

The 2 Week Diet – Is This Weight loss PDF Book Worth It? originally appeared on Top Supps Vs on November 30, 2017.

The post The 2 Week Diet – Is This Weight loss PDF Book Worth It? appeared first on Top Supps Vs.

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